The Pōhutukawa tree, otherwise known as 'New Zealand’s Christmas tree' is iconic to the upper North Island. The bright red blossoms around Christmas time have become a symbol of New Zealand summertime both locally and internationally. Pōhutukawa and Rātā have a significant place in Māori mythology. Legends tell the story of Tawhaki, a young Maori warrior and his attempt to find help in heaven to avenge his father's death. Subsequently, he fell to earth and the crimson flowers are said to represent his blood.
Pōhutukawa trees can live up to 1000 years old, however, do face some risks from possums and invasive disease. The Pōhutukawa nectar creates delicate and well-balanced honey. The smooth honey flavours are light and summery and are perfectly complemented by Northland strawberries for a rounded session mead. Find the nutritional information of the Pōhutukawa Blossom + Strawberry mead below.